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Special Counsel Dellinger Applauds MSPB’s Immediate Reinstatement of Thousands of Probationary Employees Terminated by USDA, Urges All Agencies to Rescind Any Unlawful Terminations
Special Counsel Hampton Dellinger today applauded a “stay," or pause, granted by​ the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, of all the likely impermissible terminations of probationary employees at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
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OSC’s 2024 Accomplishments Include Record Breaking Results and First Ever Actions
OSC released a summary of the agency's accomplishments during the 2024 fiscal and calendar year.
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OSC Announces Hatch Act Enforcement Decisions
Navy Secretary Del Toro found in violation; Other matters closed, including involving Secretary Cardona and Former Attorney General Barr
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VA Acknowledges Long Delays in Processing Millions of Dollars in Refunds Owed to Veterans but Fails to Provide Plan to Fix
OSC released a summary of a review conducted by the VA at OSC’s request finding a significant backlog of charges that have not been processed for potential refunds owed to veterans.
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OSC Whistleblower Referral Reveals $472 Million in Uncollected Debts Owed to 28 Federal Agencies
According to a newly released audit, initiated in response to a whistleblower referral by OSC, a software flaw at Treasury resulted in $472 million in uncollected debts owed to 28 federal agencies.
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OSC Works to Support Military Veterans, Meets with Advocacy Groups to Expand Outreach & Education
OSC supports America's veterans and is committed to helping improve military retiree care and ensure the employment rights of our returning uniformed service members.
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Special Counsel’s Proposal to Promote Transparency and Speed Up Agency Accountability
Special Counsel Hampton Dellinger today proposed ways to enhance OSC's approach to transparency and accountability by providing public summaries of OSC's ongoing work.
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Special Counsel Dellinger Announces Updates to OSC’s Hatch Act Enforcement
Special Counsel Hampton Dellinger announces several updates to OSC's approach to Hatch Act enforcement.
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Special Counsel Questions Two Agency Investigations
Reports reviewing FAA flight safety at Detroit Metropolitan Airport and CBP emergency responses in Texas do not appear reasonable.
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Special Counsel Dellinger Advocates Equivalent Pay for Federal Employee Military Reservists Called to Duty
Special Counsel Hampton Dellinger urges fair compensation for federal government employees who also serve part-time in the military.
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OSC Strongly Enforces the Prohibition Against Employee Gag Orders that Chill Whistleblowing
Over the last 12 months, OSC has obtained more than 25 corrective actions addressing violations of the anti‐gag provision in the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act.
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Special Counsel Urges SSA to Allow Claimants Misinformed of Spousal Benefits to Refile for Full Relief
OSC alerted​ the President and Congress that claimants seeking social security spousal benefits have filed disadvantageous claims, even though SSA claims examiners are required to provide information to help filers maximize their benefits.
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Special Counsel Dellinger Applauds MSPB’s Immediate Reinstatement of Thousands of Probationary Employees Terminated by USDA, Urges All Agencies to Rescind Any Unlawful Terminations

Special Counsel Hampton Dellinger today applauded a “stay," or pause, granted by​ the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, of all the likely impermissible terminations of probationary employees at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

OSC’s 2024 Accomplishments Include Record Breaking Results and First Ever Actions

OSC released a summary of the agency's accomplishments during the 2024 fiscal and calendar year.

OSC Announces Hatch Act Enforcement Decisions

Navy Secretary Del Toro found in violation; Other matters closed, including involving Secretary Cardona and Former Attorney General Barr

VA Acknowledges Long Delays in Processing Millions of Dollars in Refunds Owed to Veterans but Fails to Provide Plan to Fix

OSC released a summary of a review conducted by the VA at OSC’s request finding a significant backlog of charges that have not been processed for potential refunds owed to veterans.

OSC Whistleblower Referral Reveals $472 Million in Uncollected Debts Owed to 28 Federal Agencies

According to a newly released audit, initiated in response to a whistleblower referral by OSC, a software flaw at Treasury resulted in $472 million in uncollected debts owed to 28 federal agencies.

OSC Works to Support Military Veterans, Meets with Advocacy Groups to Expand Outreach & Education

OSC supports America's veterans and is committed to helping improve military retiree care and ensure the employment rights of our returning uniformed service members.

Special Counsel’s Proposal to Promote Transparency and Speed Up Agency Accountability

Special Counsel Hampton Dellinger today proposed ways to enhance OSC's approach to transparency and accountability by providing public summaries of OSC's ongoing work.

Special Counsel Dellinger Announces Updates to OSC’s Hatch Act Enforcement

Special Counsel Hampton Dellinger announces several updates to OSC's approach to Hatch Act enforcement.

Special Counsel Questions Two Agency Investigations

Reports reviewing FAA flight safety at Detroit Metropolitan Airport and CBP emergency responses in Texas do not appear reasonable.

Special Counsel Dellinger Advocates Equivalent Pay for Federal Employee Military Reservists Called to Duty

Special Counsel Hampton Dellinger urges fair compensation for federal government employees who also serve part-time in the military.

OSC Strongly Enforces the Prohibition Against Employee Gag Orders that Chill Whistleblowing

Over the last 12 months, OSC has obtained more than 25 corrective actions addressing violations of the anti‐gag provision in the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act.

Special Counsel Urges SSA to Allow Claimants Misinformed of Spousal Benefits to Refile for Full Relief

OSC alerted​ the President and Congress that claimants seeking social security spousal benefits have filed disadvantageous claims, even though SSA claims examiners are required to provide information to help filers maximize their benefits.

Introduction to Prohibited Personnel Practices

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