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OSC Form-14

OSC regulations require that you use an approved complaint form to submit a complaint alleging a prohibited personnel practice or other prohibited activity within OSC's jurisdiction. 

OSC encourages, but does not require, you to use an approved complaint  form to submit a complaint alleging a Hatch Act violation or to submit a disclosure of information alleging agency wrongdoing.

While we encourage you to use the Online Filing Portal to submit a complaint form to our office. OSC Form 14 can be downloaded, completed then mailed. 

To file a USERRA complaint about discrimination or reemployment as a member  of the uniformed services, please visit the Department of Labor to complete a USERRA complaint form. ​

OSC Form-14 Prohibited Personnel Practice Form

OSC Form-14 Disclosure Form

OSC Form-14 Federal Hatch Act Complaint Form

OSC Form-14 State/Local/Nonprofit​ Hatch Act Complaint Form

Please see "Useful Tips​" below if you experience difficulty opening this file.

How to use OSC Form-14

  1. Click the link above to access OSC Form-14.  Depending on your browser this will open or download the file.  Please be sure to use Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader to complete your form.

  2. You will start by selecting a checkbox based on your complaint or disclosure and select Next.
    (You may select more than one box.)

  3. Depending on your selections, you will be asked to fill in information. 
    (Fields marked with a * are required. OSC cannot process incomplete forms lacking necessary information.  Large fields have a word limit.  The form will stop entering text in the field after your have reached this limit.  You may save the file to your computer and return to it at any time.)

  4. After providing details of your complaint or disclosure select save to ensure you retain a copy for your records.  Once you are ready to file, please remember to save, print, and send it to the address specified on the form.​

​Useful Tips

As all computers are set up differently, you may experience opening Form-14 in different ways.

  • See: how to set Adobe Reader DC or Acrobat DC as the Default PDF Program ​or download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Tablets, smartphones, and government issued computers may experience difficulty. If you have difficulty submitting from these devices, please try to submit from a personal computer.​​​​
  • If you receive a “Please wait…” message, please right click on the Form-14 link and select “Save Link As” or “Save Target As”.  From your downloads select the downloaded Form 14 PDF to open in Adobe.
  • If you have trouble in one Internet browser, try another.
  • If you are using a government computer, you must follow the computer rules of your agency. 

At this time, OSC is unable to process paper filings. Please file electronically. If you recieve an error when trying to submit your complaint, please email the form to info@osc.gov.