OSC is undertaking an agency-wide effort to make public its policies, practices, and procedures when it comes to working with whistleblowers and seeking that agencies acknowledge and address misconduct. Please check back for new updates on publicly available information in the coming weeks.
Whistleblower Disclosure 'Work in Progress' Webpage:
OSC launched a new webpage that, for the first time, publicly shows the number of open whistleblower disclosure investigations. These statistics on open cases are broken down by agency, where the Special Counsel has determined there is a “substantial likelihood" of misconduct, and the agency has not provided a report of its findings within the 60-day response period established by Congress:
Amicus Working Group Webpage:
OSC actively looks for opportunities to weigh in on questions of law impacting our work. Our amicus materials also serve an educational function outside the context of a specific appeal. For these reasons, OSC is putting all our amicus materials, including briefs and topics of interest, in one place on the website so that it is easier to find our work and request our help: https://osc.gov/Services/Pages/PPP-AmicusWorkingGroup.aspx
Artificial Intelligence Policy:
The policy ensures that OSC is equipped to safely and responsibly manage artificial intelligence within the agency. OSC has created an inventory for current and future covered AI “use cases" at the agency, adopted review procedures for the safe deployment of new covered AI tools, and designated a Chief AI Officer (CAIO) to oversee agency practices. These steps also ensure OSC has met its obligations under President Biden's Executive Order 14110 on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence, OMB Memorandum M-24-10, and the Advancing American AI Act of 2022. For more information, visit http://osc.gov/ai